Minggu, 27 Desember 2009


A. Someone is said workless if:

1. Be not working but looking for work
2. Getting things square pekarjaan a new effort
3. Have no pekarjaan because perceives may not get work
4. Have gotten work but haven't beginning working

B. Its cause:

1. Menurunnya sees dammed hell first labour
2. Technological progress
3. Trade union asks for to wage overestimates
4. Mark sense unemployment subsidy
5. Heavy over employ insurance for firm
6. Its reducing is information hits vacancy
7. Employ disability to look for work

C. Unemployment type:

1. Base its Characteristic:

a. Exposed unemployment it labor force faction that strongly doesn't chance upon working
a. Cloaked unemployment / hidden it labor force faction that insufficiently been utilized in working
b. An a half workless it working labor force faction one part-time / Working far inferior from normal

2. Base its cause:

a. Friksional's unemployment (Since looking for work)
b. Seasonal unemployment (Because of season commutation)
c. Konjungtural's unemployment (Since Menurunya sees dammed hell first labour)
d. Structural unemployment (Since economy change)
e. Penangguran is Voluntary (Since alone wish)
f. deflasioner's unemployment (Since no vacancy)
g. Technological unemployment (Since energy commutation person to machine)

D. Its impact:

1. Economic impact:

a. Downing productivity
b. Downing national income
c. Downing energy buys society

2. Social impact:

a. Increasing it increases crime
b. Its rise is dependable and's narcotics and drugs alcohol
c. Its rift is family
d. A loss self-confident taste

E. Working out:

1. Labour-intensive project
2. Increasing resettlement
3. Giving soft loan
4. Pulling investor
5. Labouring training / skill
6. Penginformasian is vacancy
7. Technological recognition
8. Keying up kb
9. Keying up resettlement

Pancasila as Religion with Indonesian Nation

Pancasila is Indonesian Nation Philosophy that don't Western Philosophy and East Philosophy. Aught point in it constitute point digging up results that growing and effloresce and to be believed by indonesian nation. Severally from appreciative that also constitute points that also been believed by nations at world West or also nations at earths other cleft this. nili's matter assesses Pancasila to contain universal meaning. Although can't be disowned also that founders nation was regarded by concept humanism, rationalism, universalisme, social democratizes, German's nationalism, parliament democracy, and nationalism. So that point also applied in Pancasila at a swoop enriches pancasila is alone. First principle, Mighty divinity Esa, constituting reflection from psychological indonesian nation which so religious since forbear epoch before know religion until now while divinity concept begins at religion systematization. Second principle, Fair and genteel humanitarianism, constituting appreciative reflection that most decants deep cultural indonesian nation which its concept that we can concept deep sees Hinduisms which is conception meaning Attention Tat Twam “ Me am Your ”. In Islamic conception also available diistilahkan's one with Fardhukifayah. Its mean before input western civilization goes to concept Indonesia about universal humanism our e have. Drd principle, Indonesian association, Principle 3 inspired by conceptional Fair Queens but also can't be disowned inspired by Totalitarian German ein Fuhrerstaat which is Germanic nationalism system. Fourth principle, Headed by populist wisdom Blessing in parley / delegation. This point constitute democracy point that really have grown and amends in indonesian nation society as unborn as state itses Indonesian even if. But specific ala wends towards democracy that as present as don't despite influence Democratizes effloresce Parliament at Western. Principle to five, Social justice for all Indonesia People, are idealistical indonesian nation which be expected attained after been performed it principles earlier one above. This aspiration also take after Economic Social Democracy concept that effloresce at western. If we analyse exhaustively therefore get we sepakati that so perfect it Pancasila. Appreciative perfection that was contained by that Pancasila also makes some people opine that not all Pancasila's deep points is easily or can be rendered. But our attempt hayati once more with accurate. Pancasila actually reasonable as one innocent book. It philosophical point so fledged and enough to constitute one religions. First principle is that reflection pancasila loads divinity philosophy. Philosophy about The Infinite constitute absolute requisite one religion. The other principle also load points in innocent book one religion. So, suppose all sincere Indonesian people is part of Republic Of Indonesia Unity State therefore be not over difficult accept Pancasila as religion we with. About procedure about observance its back being turned over to masing individual but regular may not breach from corridor already being determined by Pancasila.


Legume have long time is known as protein source that mutually provedes with digit, as rice and wheat. This commodity also apparently potential as source of other nutrient substance besides protein, which is mineral, vitamin b, complex carbohydrate and food fiber. Over and above at o traditional ala with stewed, steamed, and at vegetable, actually its purpose potency far-flung to result new product. E.g. as raw material of mixed flour( flour mix ) applicable deep makings various food product, including baby food. Legume can kick in a lot of protein and other nutrient substance for society at forward state and amends state. Since its fiber content tall, therefore legume can also make fiber source. Research hits fiber health effect from legume a large part still limited to soybean.
As compared to mature fibrous food it is of service in suplemen's alimentary form with various trademarked, actually nuts can also make fiber source that doesn't succumb its quality. Also been compared with food fiber in buahan and recognised vegetable gets to prevent arises it cancer, alimentary fiber quality in nuts not also defeat. Even nuts have idiosyncrasy any other, which is economy-priced, get tall protein, its fat content in a general way good to health and containing various mineral in number that quite a lot.

Nutrient point and Purpose

At Indonesia, available nuts type sort with various colour, form, measure and varietas, one that actually potential to add nutrient substance in diet or knockabout menu. Type that dominate market is soybean, one that a large part still at import. Actually of a lot of effort that is done to lift Indonesian local legume, as kecipir's bean, backlog bean

(tolo's bean) jogo's bean and koro koroan. But its result apparently is still haven't satisfy. Its mean is still haven't merakyat, evenless for gets to be parallelized by moke.
Consumed legume in large quantities worldwide. African society, India, Central american and mengkonsumsi south 50 until 150 nuts grams per diem. Even haven't there is number must, kacangan's consumption at Indonesian, but soybean, still little.
Legume gives around 135 kkal per 100 eatable sectioned grams. If we mengkonsumsi legume as much 100 grams (1 ounce), therefore that amount will suffice around 20 % protein requirement and 20 fiber requirement percents per diem. According to international labeling rule, if a material / food product menyumbangkan can be more than 20 % from the need a nutrient substances per diem, therefore gets to be showned as by material or tall food product (high) will that nutrient substance.
Over and above result flour as foodstuff, nuts processor industry apparently gets too result and sell food fiber, vitamin b, mineral and maybe material which more exotic, e.g. enzyme.
Process nuts germination that results sprout( sprouts ), be next ditepungkan, apparently gets to remove various compound anti nutrient in it, can keep its protein quality and menandung is vitamin c one high enough. Legume can also be utilized as material of main or supplemental deep ferment various traditional foods as soya, tempe, tofu, tauco and idli . There are many food most ferment made by moke raw product, one that actually gets to be dashed with by the other legume type.
With processing technology that progressively goes forward, legume not only at o by conventional, e.g. stewed, steamed, disangrai or to be fried, but gets to be made deep shaped ingredient, as flour, konsentrat or isolat is protein. If draughted by rice or wheat flour, ingredien's product from that legume gets to give functional characters that is wanted.
Protein in nuts flour gets to give oil emulsifier character that good, forming spume, forming gel, catch or bates water and have color and admissible odor. Pap or hancuran is legume,

bean milk, hank or “ curd ” (as tofu), nuts paste and soya from legume get as been utilized mixture for material food another one. Legume can too at o as raw material of snack's makings or ekstrusi's food.
Observational pickings blessing already been done, a variety problem in harnessed nuts for man consumption as tripsin inhibitor, lektin or hemaglutinin, tanin and fitat can be removed by brew and processing way that really. Also problem arises it flatulensi (bloated bellying), sistein's obstetric limitation and metionin and the duration brew time has gotten settled by

We shall increase legume affinity and increase image and that society yen are more a lot of mengkonsumsinya. It can be done by gives information that really, so society cooks and mengkonsumsi is legume because knows that it will upgrade food and their health.

Nuts Diet top

For categorised society group nutritive more and tending potentially tall for strikes degeneratif's disease as heart disease of coroner, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes etc., advised for mengkonsumsi food with rule as follows:
1. Varying food everyday it.

2. Look out for and stick out for body weight ideal.

3. Avoid mengkonsumsi's overdose saturated fat and cholesterol.

4. Eat food with obstetric carbohydrate complexeses, as pati and fiber that adequately.
5. Avoid sugared overdose.

6. Avoid salt overdose.

Legume constitutes food material would be convenient for the purpose upon. Society that suffer false nutrient or more nutrient (over nutrition) apparently mengkonsumsi's overdose mengkonsumsi's fat and scanty carbohydrate complexeses

and food fiber. Diet that menandung or attaches legume will reduce fat consumption daily and increases carbohydrate consumption complexes and food fiber. Legume constitutes a part healthy diet.
For society what does its nutrient state contemn or be, legume gets role deeping to kick in protein and other nutrient substance that needful. Amino acid in its protein will mutually provede with amino acid in rice protein / rice, forming amino acid formation corresponds to to pattern that encouraged FAO / WHO. Meanwhile if is seen from nutrient facets, legume has a lot of top, for example:
1. Cheap protein source

2. Rich lisin's amino acid. If dashed with by digits, e.g. rice, wheat, corn, lisin's amino acid a poor one, will form poised amino acid formation.
3. Fat low and not contains cholesterol.

4. Vitamin source b good one.

5. Calcium source, iron, zinc, copper and good magnesium.

Sodiums obstetric low and its sodium, one that so necessary for patients hypertension or high blood pressure who that mengkonsumsi shall food with sodium or low salt. Legume gets calorie low character, fat low and low salt sodium. Have its time to increase darei's positive image legume, its role for health and its nutrient composition for society to extend.

Fiber health effect moke

Legume in shaped whole apparently constitute good fiber source. But, visceral research hit nuts fiber effect to new health to be done to fiber from soybean. But analisis's result points out that fiber type composition that arrange legume close resemblance among the one bean type with is another. So research pickings about moke fiber effect to expected health gets to give fiber benefit picture from the other legume type.

Latterly, really attention to play a part fiber in alimentary seeming worked up. Pera is researcher at food and nutrient area interposes the importance for food fiber in increasing health and tacling diseased degeneratif. Its low consumes evident food fiber get bearing with invasive digestive as bloated bellying, colon cancer, and disease that gets bearing with alimentary as diabetes and heart disease and vein. Alimentary fiber entry that encouraged ranging perhari among 20 and 40 grams. Situation this is that exploited by many industries to offer food fiber in shaped suplemen's potion fiber.
Moke fiber can be gotten from moke oil cake already been taken its oil. If oil cake without this fat at o as konsentrat or isolat is moke protein, its rest constitute moke fiber. Over and above from oil cake, moke fiber can also be gotten from fried whole mokes that still to contain fiber rest that sticks. This moke fiber is not skinned or moke chaff, malainkan is odorless moke product, bargain, its form can be adjusted by purpose aim, and constitutes alimentary fiber source. Composition average moke fiber is protein 12%, fat 0,2%, ash
4,5%, alimentary fiber 75%, other carbohydrate 1,8% and waters 6%.

According to research result, physiological effect and fibers clinical benefit moke on human get as follows been briefed: downing cholesterol rate on tall cholesterol patient (hiperkolesterolemia); fixing tolerance to glucose and insulin response on hiperlipidemia's patient (tall fat rate deep blood) and diabetes; enlarging wight and excrement water rate, so hastens intestine depletion; and clinical research result utilizes 25 – 30 moke fiber grams one day not regard mineral absorption or mempengaruhhi is body electrolyte balances.
Another idiosyncrasy is moke fiber contain good leach and also fiber fiber not leach (soluble and insoluble dietary fiber), so fledged khasiatnya for blood circulatory system health and digestion. Also moke fiber can easily be utilized in alimentary processing and not evoke sensori's denaturing or organoleptik is food. O00O

Working mother & its Impact on Child developing

One of monetary crisis impact is its crescent requirement that can't be accomplished since progressively expensive prices. To meet the need that one of the ways it is add family production... finally if usually just father that working even your present following works.

You that following working have a lot of option. There is you what do choose working on the house and there is you what do choose working outdoor. If you choose to work outdoor therefore you shall clever manage times for family because in effect your a have main task which is manage housewifery including keep company, manage and leads children. Evenless if you have child that still little or balita therefore your a has correct tofu how manage time wisely. An age child 0 5 year still really pending with you it. Since age child 0 5 years can't yet do its person tasks as eating, bath, studying, etcetera. They still to need help from oldster in do that work. If that child is depositted on an assistant therefore oldster or in particular you shall know really that that assistant can lead and help children in do its work. If assistant apparently can't do it therefore children which will suffer loss.

Formation personality a child is begun while child gets age 0 5 years. Child will study from men and environmentally its vicinity about things which did by men around it. Child those are on environmental peopled angry frequent one, hit, and does another violence action, that child will also get growing as person which hard. To it you or oldster have wise deeping to deposit child one time of oldster work.

Sometimes just because environment which insufficiently backs up one time of child be still little will beget negative impact for child personality growth on succeeding age. As case of juvenile delinquencies, child involvement in world narcotics and drugs, etcetera can become since formation personality at childhood that doesn't be formed with every consideration.

To it therefore you what do work outdoor have wise to manage time. Work to meet the need family really so glory, but regular has to be remembered that main task your a is manage family. You who shall depart to work morning and go home on constant evening that meluangkan shall time to get communication, get caprice, checking its school assignment your despite so tired afterses in full day working outdoor. But that sacrifice wills be a happiness if see its children gets growing as person which strength and stable.

Meanwhile for you what do work at indoors regular even have can manage time wisely.

But that task of course it is not just task you just but father shall also come on to help your to do family so perfection duty assignment and even family congruity will make a abode to awake with every consideration.


Rain is still visually rain Angel's place house most silents at its room. It sees place room window it be kept quiet romance looking forward afters appearance rainbow that broad rain adorn its house from turns back glass. Then from tenor its window appears a man descend from its motor with kuyub's wet situation, Angel sees its man as shelter is in front its house with kedinginan. It stills to notice that man with one guitar bag that it lindungin more worth from its body and eventual ibah's heart and soon issue from home it.
With one the umbrella approach its man. Then opens its portal.
“yuk's input, than kehujanan..” bargain angel and that man gazes it by smiles
“Be certain gapapa.. !” say that man good form
“Serious.. at this house alone remained cave. Ayo!!”
Even that man park its motor at Angel's home page that simple. Then angel asks out it sits in house terrace hall it. Take one towel is dry to dry rain oddment. But that man is opting clear its guitar to appeal her. Angel just little smiling notice caucasian end man whim and slant-eyed that.
“Its guitar shuttlecock before that at dry. Not it your sih?”
“Iya gapapa. This soul I first. So essential also!”
“Wow.. emang is that guitar for what ”
“Anton's cave. Cave a guitarist a brass band amatiran its name Superband.”
“Whew.. gitu is yes. Pantesan. Denger denger. A musician always look on bagpipe as soul it. I thought formerly Only rumor, and most corroborative yes!”
“Hehehe. Gitulah.. your emang that main can bagpipe also?”
“hm..” Angel was kept quiet to gaze proprietary classic guitar that man.
“Little bit that main can piano, before finds time les but now uda slow on the update yes time. but guitar ga that deh can.. pengen studies sih, but ga there is time, be busy hahaha's college!”
“gitu's oh yes.. your emangnya where college?”
“STIKOM.. deket here. Are not original from this city. Its house this contract. Therefore it don't surprise if i was myself!”
“Hahaha.. gitu is yes..!”
Angel then offering one coffee cup of warming to that man. Anton so most butters up by kabaikan girl a new one it knows that. Then they are engaged talk incredibly. Near deep view and first acquaintanceship. redah's beginning rain. Anton shall shortly return to its place cafe works and it even asks for pamit to Angel. Angel pleasantly gets acquaintance with that man.
“Thks, uda is place love for me beteduh, service you I must reply hehe's coming!”
“Idih. emang's musician romantic allegedly. Hm.. gimana if you ajarin I main aja's guitar..!”
“Really.. whew conveniently I want ajarin girl one lovely you. Sit out yes when I find time I must come to your place.”
“Yes promise..!”
“Promise must..!!”
And that acquaintanceship as their closeness start. Anton afterwards aptly keeps a promise it to teach Angel plays guitar from zero until beginning pull tone passage from classic guitar that loaned by Anton. Angel starts to like music since that time. It always wait for les's teacher it new guitar that at each aught time chance. Anton also man which very good and gives perfect image in the period of it that.
Anton also sees one potency outgrow in proprietary voice screech Angel, fortunately in its band one of personel singer decides to retreat to look for the better job opportunity than as a member a brass band. Angel finds time doubt to become singer in agglomerate a brass band that. But eventual teleological and spirit that gave by Anton makes it braving to asserts oneself to have the honour.
Apparently, Anton's option to Angel is not incorrect. A brass band they begin a lot of pull cafe yen to give concert portion to them. Angel starts energetic as singer and finds time to make terbelangkalai's college. There is other thing that it hides in its band togetherness. It starts to realise her fall in love on Anton. But Anton always bears out to all team to reach their beforehand aspiration becomes success band to mengurusi's limp their personal matters comprises love.

Band name magnitude their haven't enough to make a brass band that input in record kitchen, several times rejected by record entrepreneur. Making desperate Anton. At Angel's that time that always is present give push, love among their no longer gets disembuyikan. Since that time they become a couple lover that ever be with. And time even walks, along with their dream becomes a brass band success also be followed by their love story that so beautiful.
They then change that group name as DREAMS. With affix two name which initially just triad. Now them total five person included Angel, Anton. Nando, Agnes and Hendra. Two new members those are two Agnes's brotherses and Hendra that have piano abilities( Agnes) and Violin (Hendra). fledged personal they to reach reaspiration ala them.
They get commitment to become big star,. And that chance openended while one audition A Brass Band is done at their city. Nando and Anton is best friend hover that ever with since little. But Nando has one wont which deteriorate so having severally enemy which evers be coming to ask out it contending. Its temperamental character always make problem and it happens while it by accident debate with incorrect satuh other band member that visually envy with dreams's band fruitfulness. That spar as saved person a sea of troubles.
Angel starts masterly create song with guitar. It also begins often college hooky the favor its band. But it willinging to do one wants it after aspiration and its dream with sweetheart, Anton. Their relationship so near and hard to be came to pieces all along. Recollect while at some day most beautiful in their life memory. When with in a state romantic.
“Ton, approximately if we coming success. You maintain a goal what again!” Ask Angel
“Hehehe. You are certain want tofu..!”
“Iya, what is sih?”
“I want to get married with you, want so husband from girl that I best of all love one the world. And it is you,, !!”Anton Is explicit
“Thank you yes. I also hope so. No other man at living I besides you. Just you already make my life so beautiful. If even a while there is the other in life me. That is not other people. But this guitar … ” Angel's revealings show guitar that given by Anton on it while begin studying gets music
“Hahaha. You there is available aja. Term I was equalled by kayak guitar.. “
“Learned cannikin from you. Remember cannikin while acquaintance first time, you tell its guitar soul your both of..”
They even laugh and necking each other.
“Thank you yes. Ngel. Maybe we are predestined most beautiful that created by God, hopefully what does we impikan never being diqoined although memisakah's death we ”
“If death comes to pieces us with blood, I even will come on by blood. If The Infinite comes to pieces us with build. I even will come on by your build!”
Anton was kept quiet to listen word from that woman. So beautiful but also just after sad if to be revealed.
“Don't ngomong gitulah.. my image want to go aja hehehe!”

A brass band they even get in in time to do audition concert. They have gotten away go to final act and compete by one of candidate which find time to make waves by nando. They have gotten ready at final day. Angel is facing test while that. It decides to go and alone departed with taxi wends audition place. Meanwhile Anton and Nando goes with so too with two sister gets Agnes's sisters and Hendra.
Good walking trip for Angel wend audition location. While gets in it has been waited by Agnes and Hendra. But they don't see Anton's attending and Nando. Meanwhile their band momentarily will do audition. They become limpung and at a stand. Second phone number membered a brass band that is still hard at link. Until concert call for a brass band they just have time rest 5 minutes. They start alarm. Suddenly one telephone most interlocking goes to Hendphone Angel's belonging.
“Angel is yes.. this i am Nando ” Nando's word
“You where sih, not it fast coming. Bentar again us udah comes in to audition!”
“Angel is apology, cave apologizes once it aja!!”
“Apology why?” Ask Angel dejected
“I and Anton Ga can come to this time audition. There is abrupt business. This aptly is of important make our life. “
“Hah. But this band without you both which clear a root?” Angel's sigh
“Angel. You know our dream cannikin all this time. As big band. And this is our chance. Don't baffle every thing just because we do not come. I besought. Really it doesn't Ask why. Keep up our dream. I besought Angel!” sob voice cries to be heard from Nando
Angel is kept quiet and suspect beginning by cries that.
“Anton which..?”
“Anton.. she.. she again to w.c.. She is bellyache. So you cepatan auditions before. After auditions I will ring you again.. yes fight safe Angel ” Nando closes to ring it and Angel just can call but that conference is end.
Angel gazes Agnes and Hendra. Then it doesn't want dream and their band aspiration end to pitch upon. Now it shall go it alone fight for a brass band them. Hotly tall it is input even for room to audition. It melantunkan one song which becomes their band pledge. Jury finds time to ask member any other that subtracted. With off the cuff Angel answers to get balk. But sweeping Jury with three person just them get to drawn out that audition.
End audition. Angel takes in to come up short it with success. a brass band they bear away. They visually jolly show off their magnitude cup. Mutually necking. Beautiful dream has waited for they as success band. Between that joy. Nando returns to ring Angel. Angel excitedly welcome that telephone.
“Nando. We are champion. We are champion. We can become record kitchen band!!” scream Angel
“Yes safe. Ngel. Cave wants honest same lo.. Critical Anton. She is nursed at hospital Alyo.kalau that lo can at quickly here!!”
“What. Lo ga gets cannikin caprice. Previously lo tells she bellyache..?”
“Its story is elongated. But cave bargains for lo immediate here..!!”
Angel's heart starts alarm and ill at ease. It shortly wend hospital say so by Nando. While gets in it sees nando experiences bruise wound with wound wrapping at its leaking head because sharp object. It starts is scared. then at Anton's looked intensive care unit that be daub asleep with exhalations Assistive tool with severally doctor and suster. Angel don't ask a lot of to Nando it shortly breaches in to that room. Approaching clamant Anton hysteric.
Suster and doctor then gets irresolute memisakan that girl. Behind schedule for Angel, it just finds time to hug man that it loves the last time momentary its breath quite a end. Its hand is vibrant, doctor beginninging to see handicap patient breathes while Angel comes. Anton seems to be feel Angel's arrival although still asleep. Angel is drawn out from hall. Then Agnes hugs it and tries to give force for patient.
“Anton why.. Anton why.? Why that kayak gini can?” scream Angel on Nando
“Maafin I Ngel. This false I. If just me ga causes cain at perjalan previously us ga that kayak gini may. Anton most knife mandrel while helping I from at arms with freemen at clear a root ”
Angel is kept quiet and tries incredulous. It starts as panic and alone razzing. While several times says all just sandiwara. Outward doctor from UGD'S door with regret face. While says
“Our passes over. Patient experiences wound that adequately vital because is pricked at jugular part so bothers exhalation. Patient has died ”
Instantaneous Angel beteriak hysteric and breaches door then approach Anton already chills.
“Ton. If you ga can own breathe lets me to give breath for you. Don't go to leave I, Ton. Don't ton.. “
Finally story loves that ends as memory.

Angel never can forget its love story on Anton. it tries to withstand to live without sweetheart. But shadow and memory sweetheart ever attending in life it. At turns back visceral sadness. It sees guitar that given by Anton as part of life Anton that retained. Then beginning plucks by piece tone which finally create one song be beautiful. It starts to remember last promise on sweetheart one never it forgets.
Agnes and Hendra so delight, so too Nando while, Angel contacts to available singing back. They are not menyia yiakan Angel's evocation from sadness, and taking one concert at one campus. Angel visually more scrawny than usually. But don't lose instinct for singing and gets its music. At one chance outgrows. , their concert at account for by a variety media and televise. Angel stands up to had up audience with full obduracy. It starts to recollect single-sided bandstand sees Anton's shadow that always give smile when it singing.
At that big bandstand. Angel starts to open word most eventual.
“this song I make while at bounds among I try to arouse and retreat. But I believe. This song coming can represent our band dream to become big. Dream to become big star. I am this song devoting for a loved one already go forever..” say Angel with rauk heaving full sadness but not cries.
Audience gently concert begins to be kept quiet listens deringan Angel's guitar and voice passage that so beautiful with its song creature. There is that most adrift until crying. And even that song closed by one gay applause that admirably. A penguasaha rekamana falls in love on that song. And asks for phone number who can contact dreams's band.
Angel asks for time for recessed homewards to its house because exhaustion. Agnes and kith lets Angel going from they. But they never realise it is Angel's last word. While is they getting home Angel to take in delight news contracts record job that admirably. They have,finding angel with tetasan blood is put hand out is next end up its life with one sheet of lyric that it makes a abode to hold for devoting last lives it on universalizes that eventual it departs.
That song then as success.. and affected menyisakan one a great length

Tomato... hehehe... ding's end...(^,^)...

10 Mnemonic Trigger Foods

In human brain to be gotten one trillion included brain cell 100 active afferent cell milliards (neuron) and 900 other cell milliards that gum, pet and veils neuron. Each one from 100 that neuron's milliard can branching growing until as much 20.000 branches (dendrite).
Branch that as one this tree functioning keeps information. Other greatness: active brain cell can form connection (sinapsis) with tremendous speed (3 milliards per sec!). That connection is key brainpower. One of the ways keep that good connection is with notices asupan knockabout nutrient, following is ten outgrow pemacu's foods rememberings:
1. Fish: (particularly bream as salem, trout, tuna, herring, mackerel and sarden) there are many contains lesitin (kolin), fenilalanin, ribonucleic acid, tirosin, DMAE, B6's vitamin, niasin / B3, copper, protein, zinc, acid omega fat 3 (DHA), B12'S vitamin.
2. Egg: containing fenilalanin, lesitin (kolin), B6's vitamin, vitamin E.
3. Moke: containing lesitin (kolin), acid glutamik, fenilalanin, vitamin e, iron, zinc, protein, B6's vitamin.
4. Beef without fat: containing fenilalanin, lesitin (kolin, acid glutamik, iron, zinc.
5. Chicken liver: containing tirosin, A's vitamin, B1's vitamin, B6's vitamin, B12'S vitamin, protein, iron substance.
6. Wheat: containing lesitin (kolin), acid glutamik, B6's vitamin, magnesium, vitamin e, B1's vitamin.
7. Chicken: containing fenilalanin, B6's vitamin, niasin / B3, protein.
8. Banana: containing tirosin, magnesium, potassium, B6's vitamin.
9. Milk product contemns fat: containing fenilalanin, tirosin, slutamin, protein, ALC, B12'S vitamin
10. Avocado (avocado): tirosin, magnesium.
Source: The Great Memory Book by Karen Markowitz and Eric Jensen
photograph: sheknows. com



Agglomerate name : - Amal kuriawan (20207091)
- Aris widodo (20207168)
- Eko hadi P (20207388)
- Julkifli (20207617)
- Riki wibowo (20207936)

1. Case 6 8 (eko / 20207388)

Jonathan mitchell is an accountant for matna service company, due to mammoth investment on lottery sell,jonathan gets cash deficit and deciding for “ borrows ” fund from matna. Jonathan accepts and mendepositkan is cash invoice, noting written cheque on cashes paying journal, and merekonsiliasikannya on bank account. What is type blackout gets to be detected by account reconciliation crosses a cheque that more correct? Word you answer?

Answer: Yes, since meseemsing after reconciliation is performed therefore will show balance that really,after been done balance reconciliation terminological bank and also balance reporting terminological akn's firm reporting with its amount, and if a process that mengidentifikasikan the difference among cash balance on binds books depositor and balance that is reported on bank reporting, therefore reconciliation give needed information to adjust book balance on totals cash that really.
If didepositokan's cash invoice and payment other than petty cash made by more cheque account correct, bank reporting from its transactions with depositor can compare with cash note as it were is reported on depositor book, therefore bank balance with balance that is reported will get than.

2. Case 6 9 (aris / 20207168)

Assume you are bursar for fullmer products Inc. and one of you accountability is subject to be ensure that firm can ever do cash discount on buy. Firm requires $ 150.000 deep one weeks to take advantage from riskon smooth cashes. Bank clerk ask for collateral that is equal to for loan for the price $ 150.000. to reason that medley, you factory asset not available as collateral, but your account receivable well worth $ 205.000. Alternative what you yangakan regards to get from needful cash?
Answer: According to I to get needful cash which is by memberlakukan or keeps faith business receimble as surety (pledging), asinyasi (assignment), and sells it (factoring). Its example, which is make business receimble as surety to bank.
If in factoring, credit and billing risk is flooded to credit buyer (factor) so irresponsible firm again to mark sense disadvantages credit and billing cost. To protect factor to pretty much marks sense retur and sell priority, factor can bate one part of price buys credit until with its indentured finish factoring. But, if credit was made by surety therefore doesn't evoke special accounting problem. Credit that is vouched in not necessarily disendirikan, just just in its representation on balance shall be revealed.

3. Case 6 11 (Riki wibowo / 20207936)

Clasify each item that recorded hereunder as: a. b.Piutang's business receimble documentary bill, c. Trade credit, d. Credit non commerce, or e.Lain any other (item's authenticity indication that). Since classification that is done doesn't get character mutually negates, more than one classification at conducive also indication if item that will be reported in the normal manner as smooth aktifa with mengasumsi cycle hads out 6 monthly.
1. Master Card's charge plate sell or Visa on customer.
2. Payment to dealer for stockpiling which is bought on account.
3. Insurance claim on accident.
4. Sell charges for subscription.
5. Bonus to sell manager.
6. Flower from documentary bill up to 5 years from director firm, flower is paid yearly.
7. Treasured acceptance 3 years from earth sell those are kept as investment.
8. Treasured acceptance 6 monthly for groggy so long katan akun from persedian's sell.
9. Claim for seeking taxes last year.
10. Insurance is paid in advance 4 monthly retained deep policy periods.
11. Payment by customer to a piuang commerce.

Answer: -Classification :

1. Credit others( smooth aktifa)
2. Business receimble( smooth aktifa)
3. Credit non commerce( be not been attached at aktifa easy-going)
4. Trade credit( be not been attached at aktifa easy-going)
5. Credit non commerce( be not been attached at aktifa easy-going)
6. Treasured credit
7. Treasured credit
8. Treasured credit
9. Credit others( smooth aktifa)
10. Credit non commerce( excluding)
11. Business receimble( smooth aktifa)

4. Case 6 12 (amal / 20207091)

This following information taken from by first year operational Jumbo Company who will be utilized deep accuration examination on business receimble, on the fifteenth 31st December 1999 balance point as big as $ 36,000.

a. Collecting from customer $ 72,000
b. Goodses final stockpiling $ 98,000
c. Goodses final stockpiling $ 23,500
d. Goods is sold 5 % at at the expense
e. All sell on account
Account balance who shall show business receimble and amount determinative comes up short or its excess.


Early stockpiling 98. 000
Final stockpiling ( 23. 500)
Hpp 74. 500

Hj = 105 % x Hpp
= 105 % x 74.500
= 78225
Hj = 78225
Billing =( 72. 000)
A. / R = 6. 225 ( Excess)

5. Case 6 15 (Julkifli / 20207617)

Business receimble from drummond manufacturing Co. On the fifteenth 31 Desenber 1999 have points $ 300,000. Disadvantaged charges reserve credit has to assess debit as big as $ 4,200. Sell at year 1996 for the price $ 1,690,000 lessened sell discount as big as $ 14,000. For journal for charges disadvantages credit which at estimation with each following Independent assumption this:
1. 1,5 from 1% tahun1996's net saleses pretty much doesn't be charged.
2. 3% akun circulating credit questionable.
3. a time schedule shows for the price $ 11,000 from circulating credit questionable.


Sell 1.690. 000
discount ( 14. 000)
Net sales 1.676. 000

Credits disadvantaged estimate: 1% x 1,5 x 1.676.000 = 25.140

31 / Des / 1996

Disadvantages credit 25. 140

CKP 25. 140

Reporting at balance: Business receimble = 300. 000
CKP = ( 29. 340)
Netto is dag's credit = 270. 660

3% x 300.000 = 9. 000
CKP = 4.200
13. 200

31 / Des / 1996

Disadvantages credit 13. 200

CKP 13. 200

Reporting at balance: Business receimble = 300. 000
CKP = ( 13. 200)
286. 800
Questionable credit: 300. 000 – 11.000 = 289.000

31 / Des / 1996

Disadvantages credit 289. 000

CKP 289. 000

Reporting at balance: Business receimble = 300. 000
CKP = (293. 200)
6. 800

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

mengetahui watak kita saat menggunakan bantal

Tahukah anda watak kita dapat dikenali
cara kita menggunakan bantal sewaktu
tidur ?

Terdapat beberapa ketegori bantal dan
perwatakan :

1. Memeluk Bantal

Mereka yg suka memeluk bantal biasanya
berjiwa seni. Mereka mempunyai
yg tinggi terhadap lukisan,muzik dan
sastra.Perasaan mereka halus dan jiwa
romantik.Kadangkala ada yg boleh
peristiwa yg akan berlaku melalui
Mereka juga sangat prihatin terhadap

2. Menggunakan Banyak Bantal

Mereka biasanya kurang keyakinan.Dalam
kehidupan seharian mereka memerlukan
pendamping. Mereka jarang membuat
keputusan sendiri, sebaliknya
pandangan orang lain.

3. Tidur Dengan Satu Bantal

Mereka bukan jenis mengada-ngada dan
menerima keadaan seadanya. Mereka juga
membuat keputusan berdasarkan fikiran
bukan nafsu semata-mata.

4. Meletakkan Bantal Di Bawah Kaki

Mereka mempunyai sifat kurang baik.
jarang bergaul dgn org ramai, malah
pergaulan. Ini menyebabkan mereka
bersifat egois. Mereka juga gemar
jalan pintas utk mencapai cita2.
Mereka tdk
suka berusaha.

5. Tidur tanpa Bantal

Mereka memiliki sifat percaya diri yg
tinggi. Kadangkala sifat percaya diri
ini akhirnya
akan membawa kepada sifat ego.

6. Tidak punya bantal

Kasian deh lo..

7. Nemu bantal

Beruntung bangettt lo...

8. Tidur gigit bantal.

Lo kelaparan yak...?...

9) Tidur sambil lempar bantal.

Kesurupan setan..karena sering nonton

10. Tidur di bawah bantal.

Mati konyol....aja


Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Membuat Blog Itu Mudah

Pada Lensa ini Anda akan dipandu membuat blog dari blogger.com. Anda akan mampu membuat blog tanpa perlu berdiri terlebih dari kursi Anda saat ini, karena sangat mudahnya.

Contents at a Glance
1. Langkah 1: Daftar Google
2. Langkah 2: Daftar Blog
3. Langkah 3: Membuat Blog
4. Langkah ke 4 Blog Template
5. Belajar Membuat Blog Selesai

Langkah 1: Daftar Google
Daftarkan Diri Anda di Google
Lho koq? Koq di Google? Katanya mau ngajarin bikin blog di blogger.com, koq malah di Google? Tidak salah, karena untuk masuk ke blogger, Anda harus memiliki login google.com.

Silahkan kunjungi http://www.blogger.com. Anda akan mendapatkan halaman seperti pada gambar dibawah.

Jika Anda sudah memiliki login di Google, Anda tinggal login, maka Anda akan masuk ke Control Panel atau Panel Kontrol.

Oh ya, Anda bisa memilih bahasa, apakah Bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris.

Untuk kali ini saya anggap Anda belum memiliki login Google.

Klik tanda panah besar yang bertuliskan CIPTAKAN BLOG ANDA.

Sejauh ini sangat mudah dan akan terus mudah.

Halaman Pertama
Langkah 2: Daftar Blog
Lengkapi Pendaftaran Anda
Setelah Anda klik tanda panah besar yang bertuliskan CIPTAKAN BLOG ANDA, maka akan muncul formulir seperti yang ada pada gambar dibawah ini.

Proses ini akan menciptakan account Google yang dapat Anda gunakan pada layanan Google lainnya. Jika Anda sudah memiliki sebuah account Google mungkn dari Gmail, Google Groups, atau Orkut.

Satu account Google bisa digunakan untuk mengakses semua fasilitas yang disediakan oleh Google.

Jika Anda sudah memiliki accout google, Anda bisa langsung login (masuk). Untuk login ke Google, Anda harus login dengan menggunakan alamat email.

Silahkan lengkapi.

1. Alamat email yang Anda masukan harus sudah ada sebelumnya. Anda akan dikirim konfirmasi ke email tersebut. Jika Anda menggunakan email palsu atau email yang baru rencana akan dibuat, maka pendaftaran bisa gagal. Anda tidak perlu menggunakan email gmail.com. Email apa saja bisa.

2. Lengkapi data yang lainnya.

3. Tandai "Saya menerima Persyaratan dan Layanan" sebagai bukti bahwa Anda setuju. BTW Anda sudah membacanya?

Setelah lengkap, klik tanda panah yang bertuliskan lanjutkan.

Form Pendaftaran 1

Form Pendaftaran 2
Langkah 3: Membuat Blog
Memilih Nama Blog dan URL Blog
Jika Anda berhasil, Anda akan dibawa ke halaman seperti pada gambar dibawah. Jika gagal? Gagal biasanya karena verifikasi kata Anda salah. Itu wajar karena sering kali verifikasi kata sulit dibaca. Yang sabar saja, ulangi sampai benar. Saya sendiri sampai mengulang 3X.

Setelah Anda berhasil mendaftar, Anda akan dibawa ke halaman seperti yang ada pada gambar dibawah. Sekarang Anda mulai membuat blog dengan mengisi nama dan alamat blog Anda.

Sebagai contoh, saya menamakan blog tersebut dengan nama Erni Hartanti. Sssst, jangan curiga, Erni adalah Teman saya, dia yang mengajari saya arti Hidup.. Saya memilih alamat blog dengan alamat http://erni-hartanti.blogspot.com
sebagai alaternatif, bisa juga http://ernihartanti.blogspot.com.

Jika Anda membuat lensa dengan tujuan mempromosikan produk Anda atau produk afiliasi, maka dalam memilih nama, harus berisi nama produk atau jasa yang akan Anda tawarkan. Misalnya jika Anda ingin menjual Alat Musik lewat Blog ini, atau mungkin mempromosikan masakan kuliner, Anda bisa memilih kata kunci seperti jajanan, masakan, menu utama, dan kata-kata kunci lainnya yang sesuai.

Anda juga bisa meneliti kata kunci yang paling banyak dicari orang (tentu harus berhubungan dengan produk yang Anda jual) di

Anda bisa mengecek ketersediaan alamat blog yang Anda pilih. Jika tersedia bisa Anda lanjutkan. Jika tidak tersedia, maka Anda harus kreatif mencari nama lain atau memodifikasi alamat yang sudah ada, misalnya ditambahkan abc, xzy, 101, dan bisa juga dengan menyisipkan namaAnda.

Lanjutkan dengan klik tanda panah bertuliskan LANJUTKAN.

Proses Pembuatan Blog
Langkah ke 4 Blog Template
Pilih desain yang sesuai dengan selera Anda.
Berhasil? Tentu saja berhasil, memang mudah koq. Jika berhasil, Anda akan diarahkan ke halaman seperti yang ada pada gambar dibawah.

Pilihlah tema yang sesuai dengan selera Anda. Jika tidak ada yang sesui dengan selera Anda, jangan khawatir, nanti masih banyak pilihan tema yang bisa Anda install sendiri. Sekarang pilih saja tema agar proses pembuatan blog bisa diselesaikan. Anda bisa preview tema dengan klik gambarnya.

Untuk Memilih tema Anda klik (tandai) bulatannya o seperti pada gambar dibawah. Lihat yang saya tunjuk dengan panah merah buatan saya.

Setelah itu Anda klik tanda panah yang bertuliskan LANJUTKAN

Memilih Tema
Belajar Membuat Blog Selesai
Sekarang tinggal posting, pengaturan, dan tata letak
Selamat, sekarang Anda sudah memiliki sebuah blog. Sekarang Anda sudah mulai bisa memposting pemikiran Anda di blog dan dibagi ke seluruh dunia (eh Indonesia).

Memang masih ada beberapa hal yang harus Anda lakukan, yaitu pengaturan, tata letak, penambahan eleman, dan penggantian tema jika Anda menginginkan tema yang lain. Ini untuk tingkat lanjut.

Bagaimana...? mudah bukan...



A. Someone is said workless if:

1. Be not working but looking for work
2. Getting things square pekarjaan a new effort
3. Have no pekarjaan because perceives may not get work
4. Have gotten work but haven't beginning working

B. Its cause:

1. Menurunnya sees dammed hell first labour
2. Technological progress
3. Trade union asks for to wage overestimates
4. Mark sense unemployment subsidy
5. Heavy over employ insurance for firm
6. Its reducing is information hits vacancy
7. Employ disability to look for work

C. Unemployment type:

1. Base its Characteristic:

a. Exposed unemployment it labor force faction that strongly doesn't chance upon working
a. Cloaked unemployment / hidden it labor force faction that insufficiently been utilized in working
b. An a half workless it working labor force faction one part-time / Working far inferior from normal

2. Base its cause:

a. Friksional's unemployment (Since looking for work)
b. Seasonal unemployment (Because of season commutation)
c. Konjungtural's unemployment (Since Menurunya sees dammed hell first labour)
d. Structural unemployment (Since economy change)
e. Penangguran is Voluntary (Since alone wish)
f. deflasioner's unemployment (Since no vacancy)
g. Technological unemployment (Since energy commutation person to machine)

D. Its impact:

1. Economic impact:

a. Downing productivity
b. Downing national income
c. Downing energy buys society

2. Social impact:

a. Increasing it increases crime
b. Its rise is dependable and's narcotics and drugs alcohol
c. Its rift is family
d. A loss self-confident taste

E. Working out:

1. Labour-intensive project
2. Increasing resettlement
3. Giving soft loan
4. Pulling investor
5. Labouring training / skill
6. Penginformasian is vacancy
7. Technological recognition
8. Keying up kb
9. Keying up resettlement

Pancasila as Religion with Indonesian Nation

Pancasila is Indonesian Nation Philosophy that don't Western Philosophy and East Philosophy. Aught point in it constitute point digging up results that growing and effloresce and to be believed by indonesian nation. Severally from appreciative that also constitute points that also been believed by nations at world West or also nations at earths other cleft this. nili's matter assesses Pancasila to contain universal meaning. Although can't be disowned also that founders nation was regarded by concept humanism, rationalism, universalisme, social democratizes, German's nationalism, parliament democracy, and nationalism. So that point also applied in Pancasila at a swoop enriches pancasila is alone. First principle, Mighty divinity Esa, constituting reflection from psychological indonesian nation which so religious since forbear epoch before know religion until now while divinity concept begins at religion systematization. Second principle, Fair and genteel humanitarianism, constituting appreciative reflection that most decants deep cultural indonesian nation which its concept that we can concept deep sees Hinduisms which is conception meaning Attention Tat Twam “ Me am Your ”. In Islamic conception also available diistilahkan's one with Fardhukifayah. Its mean before input western civilization goes to concept Indonesia about universal humanism our e have. Drd principle, Indonesian association, Principle 3 inspired by conceptional Fair Queens but also can't be disowned inspired by Totalitarian German ein Fuhrerstaat which is Germanic nationalism system. Fourth principle, Headed by populist wisdom Blessing in parley / delegation. This point constitute democracy point that really have grown and amends in indonesian nation society as unborn as state itses Indonesian even if. But specific ala wends towards democracy that as present as don't despite influence Democratizes effloresce Parliament at Western. Principle to five, Social justice for all Indonesia People, are idealistical indonesian nation which be expected attained after been performed it principles earlier one above. This aspiration also take after Economic Social Democracy concept that effloresce at western. If we analyse exhaustively therefore get we sepakati that so perfect it Pancasila. Appreciative perfection that was contained by that Pancasila also makes some people opine that not all Pancasila's deep points is easily or can be rendered. But our attempt hayati once more with accurate. Pancasila actually reasonable as one innocent book. It philosophical point so fledged and enough to constitute one religions. First principle is that reflection pancasila loads divinity philosophy. Philosophy about The Infinite constitute absolute requisite one religion. The other principle also load points in innocent book one religion. So, suppose all sincere Indonesian people is part of Republic Of Indonesia Unity State therefore be not over difficult accept Pancasila as religion we with. About procedure about observance its back being turned over to masing individual but regular may not breach from corridor already being determined by Pancasila.


Legume have long time is known as protein source that mutually provedes with digit, as rice and wheat. This commodity also apparently potential as source of other nutrient substance besides protein, which is mineral, vitamin b, complex carbohydrate and food fiber. Over and above at o traditional ala with stewed, steamed, and at vegetable, actually its purpose potency far-flung to result new product. E.g. as raw material of mixed flour( flour mix ) applicable deep makings various food product, including baby food. Legume can kick in a lot of protein and other nutrient substance for society at forward state and amends state. Since its fiber content tall, therefore legume can also make fiber source. Research hits fiber health effect from legume a large part still limited to soybean.
As compared to mature fibrous food it is of service in suplemen's alimentary form with various trademarked, actually nuts can also make fiber source that doesn't succumb its quality. Also been compared with food fiber in buahan and recognised vegetable gets to prevent arises it cancer, alimentary fiber quality in nuts not also defeat. Even nuts have idiosyncrasy any other, which is economy-priced, get tall protein, its fat content in a general way good to health and containing various mineral in number that quite a lot.

Nutrient point and Purpose

At Indonesia, available nuts type sort with various colour, form, measure and varietas, one that actually potential to add nutrient substance in diet or knockabout menu. Type that dominate market is soybean, one that a large part still at import. Actually of a lot of effort that is done to lift Indonesian local legume, as kecipir's bean, backlog bean

(tolo's bean) jogo's bean and koro koroan. But its result apparently is still haven't satisfy. Its mean is still haven't merakyat, evenless for gets to be parallelized by moke.
Consumed legume in large quantities worldwide. African society, India, Central american and mengkonsumsi south 50 until 150 nuts grams per diem. Even haven't there is number must, kacangan's consumption at Indonesian, but soybean, still little.
Legume gives around 135 kkal per 100 eatable sectioned grams. If we mengkonsumsi legume as much 100 grams (1 ounce), therefore that amount will suffice around 20 % protein requirement and 20 fiber requirement percents per diem. According to international labeling rule, if a material / food product menyumbangkan can be more than 20 % from the need a nutrient substances per diem, therefore gets to be showned as by material or tall food product (high) will that nutrient substance.
Over and above result flour as foodstuff, nuts processor industry apparently gets too result and sell food fiber, vitamin b, mineral and maybe material which more exotic, e.g. enzyme.
Process nuts germination that results sprout( sprouts ), be next ditepungkan, apparently gets to remove various compound anti nutrient in it, can keep its protein quality and menandung is vitamin c one high enough. Legume can also be utilized as material of main or supplemental deep ferment various traditional foods as soya, tempe, tofu, tauco and idli . There are many food most ferment made by moke raw product, one that actually gets to be dashed with by the other legume type.
With processing technology that progressively goes forward, legume not only at o by conventional, e.g. stewed, steamed, disangrai or to be fried, but gets to be made deep shaped ingredient, as flour, konsentrat or isolat is protein. If draughted by rice or wheat flour, ingredien's product from that legume gets to give functional characters that is wanted.
Protein in nuts flour gets to give oil emulsifier character that good, forming spume, forming gel, catch or bates water and have color and admissible odor. Pap or hancuran is legume,

bean milk, hank or “ curd ” (as tofu), nuts paste and soya from legume get as been utilized mixture for material food another one. Legume can too at o as raw material of snack's makings or ekstrusi's food.
Observational pickings blessing already been done, a variety problem in harnessed nuts for man consumption as tripsin inhibitor, lektin or hemaglutinin, tanin and fitat can be removed by brew and processing way that really. Also problem arises it flatulensi (bloated bellying), sistein's obstetric limitation and metionin and the duration brew time has gotten settled by

We shall increase legume affinity and increase image and that society yen are more a lot of mengkonsumsinya. It can be done by gives information that really, so society cooks and mengkonsumsi is legume because knows that it will upgrade food and their health.

Nuts Diet top

For categorised society group nutritive more and tending potentially tall for strikes degeneratif's disease as heart disease of coroner, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes etc., advised for mengkonsumsi food with rule as follows:
1. Varying food everyday it.

2. Look out for and stick out for body weight ideal.

3. Avoid mengkonsumsi's overdose saturated fat and cholesterol.

4. Eat food with obstetric carbohydrate complexeses, as pati and fiber that adequately.
5. Avoid sugared overdose.

6. Avoid salt overdose.

Legume constitutes food material would be convenient for the purpose upon. Society that suffer false nutrient or more nutrient (over nutrition) apparently mengkonsumsi's overdose mengkonsumsi's fat and scanty carbohydrate complexeses

and food fiber. Diet that menandung or attaches legume will reduce fat consumption daily and increases carbohydrate consumption complexes and food fiber. Legume constitutes a part healthy diet.
For society what does its nutrient state contemn or be, legume gets role deeping to kick in protein and other nutrient substance that needful. Amino acid in its protein will mutually provede with amino acid in rice protein / rice, forming amino acid formation corresponds to to pattern that encouraged FAO / WHO. Meanwhile if is seen from nutrient facets, legume has a lot of top, for example:
1. Cheap protein source

2. Rich lisin's amino acid. If dashed with by digits, e.g. rice, wheat, corn, lisin's amino acid a poor one, will form poised amino acid formation.
3. Fat low and not contains cholesterol.

4. Vitamin source b good one.

5. Calcium source, iron, zinc, copper and good magnesium.

Sodiums obstetric low and its sodium, one that so necessary for patients hypertension or high blood pressure who that mengkonsumsi shall food with sodium or low salt. Legume gets calorie low character, fat low and low salt sodium. Have its time to increase darei's positive image legume, its role for health and its nutrient composition for society to extend.

Fiber health effect moke

Legume in shaped whole apparently constitute good fiber source. But, visceral research hit nuts fiber effect to new health to be done to fiber from soybean. But analisis's result points out that fiber type composition that arrange legume close resemblance among the one bean type with is another. So research pickings about moke fiber effect to expected health gets to give fiber benefit picture from the other legume type.

Latterly, really attention to play a part fiber in alimentary seeming worked up. Pera is researcher at food and nutrient area interposes the importance for food fiber in increasing health and tacling diseased degeneratif. Its low consumes evident food fiber get bearing with invasive digestive as bloated bellying, colon cancer, and disease that gets bearing with alimentary as diabetes and heart disease and vein. Alimentary fiber entry that encouraged ranging perhari among 20 and 40 grams. Situation this is that exploited by many industries to offer food fiber in shaped suplemen's potion fiber.
Moke fiber can be gotten from moke oil cake already been taken its oil. If oil cake without this fat at o as konsentrat or isolat is moke protein, its rest constitute moke fiber. Over and above from oil cake, moke fiber can also be gotten from fried whole mokes that still to contain fiber rest that sticks. This moke fiber is not skinned or moke chaff, malainkan is odorless moke product, bargain, its form can be adjusted by purpose aim, and constitutes alimentary fiber source. Composition average moke fiber is protein 12%, fat 0,2%, ash
4,5%, alimentary fiber 75%, other carbohydrate 1,8% and waters 6%.

According to research result, physiological effect and fibers clinical benefit moke on human get as follows been briefed: downing cholesterol rate on tall cholesterol patient (hiperkolesterolemia); fixing tolerance to glucose and insulin response on hiperlipidemia's patient (tall fat rate deep blood) and diabetes; enlarging wight and excrement water rate, so hastens intestine depletion; and clinical research result utilizes 25 – 30 moke fiber grams one day not regard mineral absorption or mempengaruhhi is body electrolyte balances.
Another idiosyncrasy is moke fiber contain good leach and also fiber fiber not leach (soluble and insoluble dietary fiber), so fledged khasiatnya for blood circulatory system health and digestion. Also moke fiber can easily be utilized in alimentary processing and not evoke sensori's denaturing or organoleptik is food. O00O

Working mother & its Impact on Child developing

One of monetary crisis impact is its crescent requirement that can't be accomplished since progressively expensive prices. To meet the need that one of the ways it is add family production... finally if usually just father that working even your present following works.

You that following working have a lot of option. There is you what do choose working on the house and there is you what do choose working outdoor. If you choose to work outdoor therefore you shall clever manage times for family because in effect your a have main task which is manage housewifery including keep company, manage and leads children. Evenless if you have child that still little or balita therefore your a has correct tofu how manage time wisely. An age child 0 5 year still really pending with you it. Since age child 0 5 years can't yet do its person tasks as eating, bath, studying, etcetera. They still to need help from oldster in do that work. If that child is depositted on an assistant therefore oldster or in particular you shall know really that that assistant can lead and help children in do its work. If assistant apparently can't do it therefore children which will suffer loss.

Formation personality a child is begun while child gets age 0 5 years. Child will study from men and environmentally its vicinity about things which did by men around it. Child those are on environmental peopled angry frequent one, hit, and does another violence action, that child will also get growing as person which hard. To it you or oldster have wise deeping to deposit child one time of oldster work.

Sometimes just because environment which insufficiently backs up one time of child be still little will beget negative impact for child personality growth on succeeding age. As case of juvenile delinquencies, child involvement in world narcotics and drugs, etcetera can become since formation personality at childhood that doesn't be formed with every consideration.

To it therefore you what do work outdoor have wise to manage time. Work to meet the need family really so glory, but regular has to be remembered that main task your a is manage family. You who shall depart to work morning and go home on constant evening that meluangkan shall time to get communication, get caprice, checking its school assignment your despite so tired afterses in full day working outdoor. But that sacrifice wills be a happiness if see its children gets growing as person which strength and stable.

Meanwhile for you what do work at indoors regular even have can manage time wisely.

But that task of course it is not just task you just but father shall also come on to help your to do family so perfection duty assignment and even family congruity will make a abode to awake with every consideration.


Rain is still visually rain Angel's place house most silents at its room. It sees place room window it be kept quiet romance looking forward afters appearance rainbow that broad rain adorn its house from turns back glass. Then from tenor its window appears a man descend from its motor with kuyub's wet situation, Angel sees its man as shelter is in front its house with kedinginan. It stills to notice that man with one guitar bag that it lindungin more worth from its body and eventual ibah's heart and soon issue from home it.
With one the umbrella approach its man. Then opens its portal.
“yuk's input, than kehujanan..” bargain angel and that man gazes it by smiles
“Be certain gapapa.. !” say that man good form
“Serious.. at this house alone remained cave. Ayo!!”
Even that man park its motor at Angel's home page that simple. Then angel asks out it sits in house terrace hall it. Take one towel is dry to dry rain oddment. But that man is opting clear its guitar to appeal her. Angel just little smiling notice caucasian end man whim and slant-eyed that.
“Its guitar shuttlecock before that at dry. Not it your sih?”
“Iya gapapa. This soul I first. So essential also!”
“Wow.. emang is that guitar for what ”
“Anton's cave. Cave a guitarist a brass band amatiran its name Superband.”
“Whew.. gitu is yes. Pantesan. Denger denger. A musician always look on bagpipe as soul it. I thought formerly Only rumor, and most corroborative yes!”
“Hehehe. Gitulah.. your emang that main can bagpipe also?”
“hm..” Angel was kept quiet to gaze proprietary classic guitar that man.
“Little bit that main can piano, before finds time les but now uda slow on the update yes time. but guitar ga that deh can.. pengen studies sih, but ga there is time, be busy hahaha's college!”
“gitu's oh yes.. your emangnya where college?”
“STIKOM.. deket here. Are not original from this city. Its house this contract. Therefore it don't surprise if i was myself!”
“Hahaha.. gitu is yes..!”
Angel then offering one coffee cup of warming to that man. Anton so most butters up by kabaikan girl a new one it knows that. Then they are engaged talk incredibly. Near deep view and first acquaintanceship. redah's beginning rain. Anton shall shortly return to its place cafe works and it even asks for pamit to Angel. Angel pleasantly gets acquaintance with that man.
“Thks, uda is place love for me beteduh, service you I must reply hehe's coming!”
“Idih. emang's musician romantic allegedly. Hm.. gimana if you ajarin I main aja's guitar..!”
“Really.. whew conveniently I want ajarin girl one lovely you. Sit out yes when I find time I must come to your place.”
“Yes promise..!”
“Promise must..!!”
And that acquaintanceship as their closeness start. Anton afterwards aptly keeps a promise it to teach Angel plays guitar from zero until beginning pull tone passage from classic guitar that loaned by Anton. Angel starts to like music since that time. It always wait for les's teacher it new guitar that at each aught time chance. Anton also man which very good and gives perfect image in the period of it that.
Anton also sees one potency outgrow in proprietary voice screech Angel, fortunately in its band one of personel singer decides to retreat to look for the better job opportunity than as a member a brass band. Angel finds time doubt to become singer in agglomerate a brass band that. But eventual teleological and spirit that gave by Anton makes it braving to asserts oneself to have the honour.
Apparently, Anton's option to Angel is not incorrect. A brass band they begin a lot of pull cafe yen to give concert portion to them. Angel starts energetic as singer and finds time to make terbelangkalai's college. There is other thing that it hides in its band togetherness. It starts to realise her fall in love on Anton. But Anton always bears out to all team to reach their beforehand aspiration becomes success band to mengurusi's limp their personal matters comprises love.

Band name magnitude their haven't enough to make a brass band that input in record kitchen, several times rejected by record entrepreneur. Making desperate Anton. At Angel's that time that always is present give push, love among their no longer gets disembuyikan. Since that time they become a couple lover that ever be with. And time even walks, along with their dream becomes a brass band success also be followed by their love story that so beautiful.
They then change that group name as DREAMS. With affix two name which initially just triad. Now them total five person included Angel, Anton. Nando, Agnes and Hendra. Two new members those are two Agnes's brotherses and Hendra that have piano abilities( Agnes) and Violin (Hendra). fledged personal they to reach reaspiration ala them.
They get commitment to become big star,. And that chance openended while one audition A Brass Band is done at their city. Nando and Anton is best friend hover that ever with since little. But Nando has one wont which deteriorate so having severally enemy which evers be coming to ask out it contending. Its temperamental character always make problem and it happens while it by accident debate with incorrect satuh other band member that visually envy with dreams's band fruitfulness. That spar as saved person a sea of troubles.
Angel starts masterly create song with guitar. It also begins often college hooky the favor its band. But it willinging to do one wants it after aspiration and its dream with sweetheart, Anton. Their relationship so near and hard to be came to pieces all along. Recollect while at some day most beautiful in their life memory. When with in a state romantic.
“Ton, approximately if we coming success. You maintain a goal what again!” Ask Angel
“Hehehe. You are certain want tofu..!”
“Iya, what is sih?”
“I want to get married with you, want so husband from girl that I best of all love one the world. And it is you,, !!”Anton Is explicit
“Thank you yes. I also hope so. No other man at living I besides you. Just you already make my life so beautiful. If even a while there is the other in life me. That is not other people. But this guitar … ” Angel's revealings show guitar that given by Anton on it while begin studying gets music
“Hahaha. You there is available aja. Term I was equalled by kayak guitar.. “
“Learned cannikin from you. Remember cannikin while acquaintance first time, you tell its guitar soul your both of..”
They even laugh and necking each other.
“Thank you yes. Ngel. Maybe we are predestined most beautiful that created by God, hopefully what does we impikan never being diqoined although memisakah's death we ”
“If death comes to pieces us with blood, I even will come on by blood. If The Infinite comes to pieces us with build. I even will come on by your build!”
Anton was kept quiet to listen word from that woman. So beautiful but also just after sad if to be revealed.
“Don't ngomong gitulah.. my image want to go aja hehehe!”

A brass band they even get in in time to do audition concert. They have gotten away go to final act and compete by one of candidate which find time to make waves by nando. They have gotten ready at final day. Angel is facing test while that. It decides to go and alone departed with taxi wends audition place. Meanwhile Anton and Nando goes with so too with two sister gets Agnes's sisters and Hendra.
Good walking trip for Angel wend audition location. While gets in it has been waited by Agnes and Hendra. But they don't see Anton's attending and Nando. Meanwhile their band momentarily will do audition. They become limpung and at a stand. Second phone number membered a brass band that is still hard at link. Until concert call for a brass band they just have time rest 5 minutes. They start alarm. Suddenly one telephone most interlocking goes to Hendphone Angel's belonging.
“Angel is yes.. this i am Nando ” Nando's word
“You where sih, not it fast coming. Bentar again us udah comes in to audition!”
“Angel is apology, cave apologizes once it aja!!”
“Apology why?” Ask Angel dejected
“I and Anton Ga can come to this time audition. There is abrupt business. This aptly is of important make our life. “
“Hah. But this band without you both which clear a root?” Angel's sigh
“Angel. You know our dream cannikin all this time. As big band. And this is our chance. Don't baffle every thing just because we do not come. I besought. Really it doesn't Ask why. Keep up our dream. I besought Angel!” sob voice cries to be heard from Nando
Angel is kept quiet and suspect beginning by cries that.
“Anton which..?”
“Anton.. she.. she again to w.c.. She is bellyache. So you cepatan auditions before. After auditions I will ring you again.. yes fight safe Angel ” Nando closes to ring it and Angel just can call but that conference is end.
Angel gazes Agnes and Hendra. Then it doesn't want dream and their band aspiration end to pitch upon. Now it shall go it alone fight for a brass band them. Hotly tall it is input even for room to audition. It melantunkan one song which becomes their band pledge. Jury finds time to ask member any other that subtracted. With off the cuff Angel answers to get balk. But sweeping Jury with three person just them get to drawn out that audition.
End audition. Angel takes in to come up short it with success. a brass band they bear away. They visually jolly show off their magnitude cup. Mutually necking. Beautiful dream has waited for they as success band. Between that joy. Nando returns to ring Angel. Angel excitedly welcome that telephone.
“Nando. We are champion. We are champion. We can become record kitchen band!!” scream Angel
“Yes safe. Ngel. Cave wants honest same lo.. Critical Anton. She is nursed at hospital Alyo.kalau that lo can at quickly here!!”
“What. Lo ga gets cannikin caprice. Previously lo tells she bellyache..?”
“Its story is elongated. But cave bargains for lo immediate here..!!”
Angel's heart starts alarm and ill at ease. It shortly wend hospital say so by Nando. While gets in it sees nando experiences bruise wound with wound wrapping at its leaking head because sharp object. It starts is scared. then at Anton's looked intensive care unit that be daub asleep with exhalations Assistive tool with severally doctor and suster. Angel don't ask a lot of to Nando it shortly breaches in to that room. Approaching clamant Anton hysteric.
Suster and doctor then gets irresolute memisakan that girl. Behind schedule for Angel, it just finds time to hug man that it loves the last time momentary its breath quite a end. Its hand is vibrant, doctor beginninging to see handicap patient breathes while Angel comes. Anton seems to be feel Angel's arrival although still asleep. Angel is drawn out from hall. Then Agnes hugs it and tries to give force for patient.
“Anton why.. Anton why.? Why that kayak gini can?” scream Angel on Nando
“Maafin I Ngel. This false I. If just me ga causes cain at perjalan previously us ga that kayak gini may. Anton most knife mandrel while helping I from at arms with freemen at clear a root ”
Angel is kept quiet and tries incredulous. It starts as panic and alone razzing. While several times says all just sandiwara. Outward doctor from UGD'S door with regret face. While says
“Our passes over. Patient experiences wound that adequately vital because is pricked at jugular part so bothers exhalation. Patient has died ”
Instantaneous Angel beteriak hysteric and breaches door then approach Anton already chills.
“Ton. If you ga can own breathe lets me to give breath for you. Don't go to leave I, Ton. Don't ton.. “
Finally story loves that ends as memory.

Angel never can forget its love story on Anton. it tries to withstand to live without sweetheart. But shadow and memory sweetheart ever attending in life it. At turns back visceral sadness. It sees guitar that given by Anton as part of life Anton that retained. Then beginning plucks by piece tone which finally create one song be beautiful. It starts to remember last promise on sweetheart one never it forgets.
Agnes and Hendra so delight, so too Nando while, Angel contacts to available singing back. They are not menyia yiakan Angel's evocation from sadness, and taking one concert at one campus. Angel visually more scrawny than usually. But don't lose instinct for singing and gets its music. At one chance outgrows. , their concert at account for by a variety media and televise. Angel stands up to had up audience with full obduracy. It starts to recollect single-sided bandstand sees Anton's shadow that always give smile when it singing.
At that big bandstand. Angel starts to open word most eventual.
“this song I make while at bounds among I try to arouse and retreat. But I believe. This song coming can represent our band dream to become big. Dream to become big star. I am this song devoting for a loved one already go forever..” say Angel with rauk heaving full sadness but not cries.
Audience gently concert begins to be kept quiet listens deringan Angel's guitar and voice passage that so beautiful with its song creature. There is that most adrift until crying. And even that song closed by one gay applause that admirably. A penguasaha rekamana falls in love on that song. And asks for phone number who can contact dreams's band.
Angel asks for time for recessed homewards to its house because exhaustion. Agnes and kith lets Angel going from they. But they never realise it is Angel's last word. While is they getting home Angel to take in delight news contracts record job that admirably. They have,finding angel with tetasan blood is put hand out is next end up its life with one sheet of lyric that it makes a abode to hold for devoting last lives it on universalizes that eventual it departs.
That song then as success.. and affected menyisakan one a great length

Tomato... hehehe... ding's end...(^,^)...

10 Mnemonic Trigger Foods

In human brain to be gotten one trillion included brain cell 100 active afferent cell milliards (neuron) and 900 other cell milliards that gum, pet and veils neuron. Each one from 100 that neuron's milliard can branching growing until as much 20.000 branches (dendrite).
Branch that as one this tree functioning keeps information. Other greatness: active brain cell can form connection (sinapsis) with tremendous speed (3 milliards per sec!). That connection is key brainpower. One of the ways keep that good connection is with notices asupan knockabout nutrient, following is ten outgrow pemacu's foods rememberings:
1. Fish: (particularly bream as salem, trout, tuna, herring, mackerel and sarden) there are many contains lesitin (kolin), fenilalanin, ribonucleic acid, tirosin, DMAE, B6's vitamin, niasin / B3, copper, protein, zinc, acid omega fat 3 (DHA), B12'S vitamin.
2. Egg: containing fenilalanin, lesitin (kolin), B6's vitamin, vitamin E.
3. Moke: containing lesitin (kolin), acid glutamik, fenilalanin, vitamin e, iron, zinc, protein, B6's vitamin.
4. Beef without fat: containing fenilalanin, lesitin (kolin, acid glutamik, iron, zinc.
5. Chicken liver: containing tirosin, A's vitamin, B1's vitamin, B6's vitamin, B12'S vitamin, protein, iron substance.
6. Wheat: containing lesitin (kolin), acid glutamik, B6's vitamin, magnesium, vitamin e, B1's vitamin.
7. Chicken: containing fenilalanin, B6's vitamin, niasin / B3, protein.
8. Banana: containing tirosin, magnesium, potassium, B6's vitamin.
9. Milk product contemns fat: containing fenilalanin, tirosin, slutamin, protein, ALC, B12'S vitamin
10. Avocado (avocado): tirosin, magnesium.
Source: The Great Memory Book by Karen Markowitz and Eric Jensen
photograph: sheknows. com



Agglomerate name : - Amal kuriawan (20207091)
- Aris widodo (20207168)
- Eko hadi P (20207388)
- Julkifli (20207617)
- Riki wibowo (20207936)

1. Case 6 8 (eko / 20207388)

Jonathan mitchell is an accountant for matna service company, due to mammoth investment on lottery sell,jonathan gets cash deficit and deciding for “ borrows ” fund from matna. Jonathan accepts and mendepositkan is cash invoice, noting written cheque on cashes paying journal, and merekonsiliasikannya on bank account. What is type blackout gets to be detected by account reconciliation crosses a cheque that more correct? Word you answer?

Answer: Yes, since meseemsing after reconciliation is performed therefore will show balance that really,after been done balance reconciliation terminological bank and also balance reporting terminological akn's firm reporting with its amount, and if a process that mengidentifikasikan the difference among cash balance on binds books depositor and balance that is reported on bank reporting, therefore reconciliation give needed information to adjust book balance on totals cash that really.
If didepositokan's cash invoice and payment other than petty cash made by more cheque account correct, bank reporting from its transactions with depositor can compare with cash note as it were is reported on depositor book, therefore bank balance with balance that is reported will get than.

2. Case 6 9 (aris / 20207168)

Assume you are bursar for fullmer products Inc. and one of you accountability is subject to be ensure that firm can ever do cash discount on buy. Firm requires $ 150.000 deep one weeks to take advantage from riskon smooth cashes. Bank clerk ask for collateral that is equal to for loan for the price $ 150.000. to reason that medley, you factory asset not available as collateral, but your account receivable well worth $ 205.000. Alternative what you yangakan regards to get from needful cash?
Answer: According to I to get needful cash which is by memberlakukan or keeps faith business receimble as surety (pledging), asinyasi (assignment), and sells it (factoring). Its example, which is make business receimble as surety to bank.
If in factoring, credit and billing risk is flooded to credit buyer (factor) so irresponsible firm again to mark sense disadvantages credit and billing cost. To protect factor to pretty much marks sense retur and sell priority, factor can bate one part of price buys credit until with its indentured finish factoring. But, if credit was made by surety therefore doesn't evoke special accounting problem. Credit that is vouched in not necessarily disendirikan, just just in its representation on balance shall be revealed.

3. Case 6 11 (Riki wibowo / 20207936)

Clasify each item that recorded hereunder as: a. b.Piutang's business receimble documentary bill, c. Trade credit, d. Credit non commerce, or e.Lain any other (item's authenticity indication that). Since classification that is done doesn't get character mutually negates, more than one classification at conducive also indication if item that will be reported in the normal manner as smooth aktifa with mengasumsi cycle hads out 6 monthly.
1. Master Card's charge plate sell or Visa on customer.
2. Payment to dealer for stockpiling which is bought on account.
3. Insurance claim on accident.
4. Sell charges for subscription.
5. Bonus to sell manager.
6. Flower from documentary bill up to 5 years from director firm, flower is paid yearly.
7. Treasured acceptance 3 years from earth sell those are kept as investment.
8. Treasured acceptance 6 monthly for groggy so long katan akun from persedian's sell.
9. Claim for seeking taxes last year.
10. Insurance is paid in advance 4 monthly retained deep policy periods.
11. Payment by customer to a piuang commerce.

Answer: -Classification :

1. Credit others( smooth aktifa)
2. Business receimble( smooth aktifa)
3. Credit non commerce( be not been attached at aktifa easy-going)
4. Trade credit( be not been attached at aktifa easy-going)
5. Credit non commerce( be not been attached at aktifa easy-going)
6. Treasured credit
7. Treasured credit
8. Treasured credit
9. Credit others( smooth aktifa)
10. Credit non commerce( excluding)
11. Business receimble( smooth aktifa)

4. Case 6 12 (amal / 20207091)

This following information taken from by first year operational Jumbo Company who will be utilized deep accuration examination on business receimble, on the fifteenth 31st December 1999 balance point as big as $ 36,000.

a. Collecting from customer $ 72,000
b. Goodses final stockpiling $ 98,000
c. Goodses final stockpiling $ 23,500
d. Goods is sold 5 % at at the expense
e. All sell on account
Account balance who shall show business receimble and amount determinative comes up short or its excess.


Early stockpiling 98. 000
Final stockpiling ( 23. 500)
Hpp 74. 500

Hj = 105 % x Hpp
= 105 % x 74.500
= 78225
Hj = 78225
Billing =( 72. 000)
A. / R = 6. 225 ( Excess)

5. Case 6 15 (Julkifli / 20207617)

Business receimble from drummond manufacturing Co. On the fifteenth 31 Desenber 1999 have points $ 300,000. Disadvantaged charges reserve credit has to assess debit as big as $ 4,200. Sell at year 1996 for the price $ 1,690,000 lessened sell discount as big as $ 14,000. For journal for charges disadvantages credit which at estimation with each following Independent assumption this:
1. 1,5 from 1% tahun1996's net saleses pretty much doesn't be charged.
2. 3% akun circulating credit questionable.
3. a time schedule shows for the price $ 11,000 from circulating credit questionable.


Sell 1.690. 000
discount ( 14. 000)
Net sales 1.676. 000

Credits disadvantaged estimate: 1% x 1,5 x 1.676.000 = 25.140

31 / Des / 1996

Disadvantages credit 25. 140

CKP 25. 140

Reporting at balance: Business receimble = 300. 000
CKP = ( 29. 340)
Netto is dag's credit = 270. 660

3% x 300.000 = 9. 000
CKP = 4.200
13. 200

31 / Des / 1996

Disadvantages credit 13. 200

CKP 13. 200

Reporting at balance: Business receimble = 300. 000
CKP = ( 13. 200)
286. 800
Questionable credit: 300. 000 – 11.000 = 289.000

31 / Des / 1996

Disadvantages credit 289. 000

CKP 289. 000

Reporting at balance: Business receimble = 300. 000
CKP = (293. 200)
6. 800

mengetahui watak kita saat menggunakan bantal

Tahukah anda watak kita dapat dikenali
cara kita menggunakan bantal sewaktu
tidur ?

Terdapat beberapa ketegori bantal dan
perwatakan :

1. Memeluk Bantal

Mereka yg suka memeluk bantal biasanya
berjiwa seni. Mereka mempunyai
yg tinggi terhadap lukisan,muzik dan
sastra.Perasaan mereka halus dan jiwa
romantik.Kadangkala ada yg boleh
peristiwa yg akan berlaku melalui
Mereka juga sangat prihatin terhadap

2. Menggunakan Banyak Bantal

Mereka biasanya kurang keyakinan.Dalam
kehidupan seharian mereka memerlukan
pendamping. Mereka jarang membuat
keputusan sendiri, sebaliknya
pandangan orang lain.

3. Tidur Dengan Satu Bantal

Mereka bukan jenis mengada-ngada dan
menerima keadaan seadanya. Mereka juga
membuat keputusan berdasarkan fikiran
bukan nafsu semata-mata.

4. Meletakkan Bantal Di Bawah Kaki

Mereka mempunyai sifat kurang baik.
jarang bergaul dgn org ramai, malah
pergaulan. Ini menyebabkan mereka
bersifat egois. Mereka juga gemar
jalan pintas utk mencapai cita2.
Mereka tdk
suka berusaha.

5. Tidur tanpa Bantal

Mereka memiliki sifat percaya diri yg
tinggi. Kadangkala sifat percaya diri
ini akhirnya
akan membawa kepada sifat ego.

6. Tidak punya bantal

Kasian deh lo..

7. Nemu bantal

Beruntung bangettt lo...

8. Tidur gigit bantal.

Lo kelaparan yak...?...

9) Tidur sambil lempar bantal.

Kesurupan setan..karena sering nonton

10. Tidur di bawah bantal.

Mati konyol....aja


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Bagaimana...? mudah bukan...